Normal values (mEq/L) {memorize these}
Mg Phos K Ca HCO3 Cl Na
1.5-2.5 2.5-4.5 3.5-5 8-10.5 24-30 95-105 135-145
Normal Physiology
Percent of body weight: 60-40-20-15-5 -> Total body water-intracl-extracl-interstit-intravasc
7% of body weight = intravascular (approx 5L in 70kg pt)
Obese, elderly=less muscle, thus TBW<60% of weight
Osmolarity = 2[Na] + [Gluc]/18 + BUN/2.8
[H+] = 24 PaCO2/[HCO3]
0.1 change in pH = 0.4mEq/L change in K
ADH secreted when: osm increases (intracranial recep), volume decreases (RA, LA)
Calculation of maintenance rate
4-2-1 rule: ml IVF/kg/hour [or for pt's >20kg use Tej's rule: weight + 40ml] {use ideal body weight}
Remember 42ml/hr = 1 L/day (for quick conversion between fluid rate per hour and daily fluid)
POD 2 or 3: 3rd space fluid mobilizes; decrease IVFs to prevent overload (esp in CHF, renal failure pts)
Stress response to surgery/trauma = increased ADH/Aldo
Dehydration: hypernatremia draws fluid from cells=blunts picture of volume depletion
Prerenal: BUN:Cr >20, FeNa (=UNaPCr/UCrPNa) <1%, UNa<20
Maintenance fluids: D5 ½ NS + 20mEq KCl (D5 ¼ NS for kids); No LR (causes alkalosis)
Urine output should be =0.5ml/kg/hr (1.0 in kids)
Bolus: LR or NS only; No D5 (causes hyperglycemia); No hypotonic solutions (extravasates)
IVF composition (mEq/L)
NS: (0.9%): Na 154, Cl 154
LR: Na 130, Cl 109, lactate 28, K 4, Ca 3 (lactate becomes HCO3); {more “physiologic” than NS}
D5: 5 grams glucose/100ml (added into other IVF solutions, such as D5 1/2NS)
Electrolyte abnormalities (hyper usually causes decreased DTRs {deep tendon reflexes}, decreased respirations)
HypoNa: Seizures, coma, increased DTRs
Causes: usually hypotonic IVF
PseudohypoNa: hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia
Hypovolemia: dehydration, diuretics
Euvolemia: SIADH
Hypervolomeia: CHF, RF, cirrhosis
HyperNa: Symptoms: seizures, resp depression
Causes: GI loss, perspiration, burn, DI, hyperAldosteronism
Correct Na slowly (0.5mEq/hr) to prevent central pontine myelinolisis
HypoK: Ileus, tetany; EKG - flat T wave, U wave, Afib
Causes: intracellular shift, vomit/NGT, diarrhea, renal loss (also check Mg, Phos)
Paradoxical aciduria (due to decreased K and decreased vol)
Rx: PO K replace <40mEq/hr, IV replace <10mEq/hr
HyperK: EKG - peaked T, VFib
Causes: intracellular shift, renal disease, hemolysis, crush injury, meds – NSAIDS, ACEI, low Aldo, Digoxin
Rx: Check digoxin and CK levels ("C BIG K Drop")
<6.5: diuretics (furosemide)
6.5-7.5: 10 units insulin IV & 25gr glucose IV over 5mins (w/ EKG)
>7.5: 10-30ml 10% Ca gluconate IV over 5mins
HypoCl: No specific symptoms
Causes: vomiting, acidosis, CRF, diuretics
HyperCl: rare in surgery pts
HypoCa: Perioral/hand parasthesias, Chvostek sign, Trousseau, seizure, increased DTRs
EKG: long PR, long QT
Causes: parathyroid surgery, renal failure (low vit D), short bowel syndrome (fat binds Ca), pancreatitis, blood transfusions
Rx: Ca gluconate, vit D, thiazides
HyperCa: Stones, bones, moans, groans, psychic overtones (depression)
EKG: long PR, short QT
Causes: CHIMPANZEES – Ca supplements, HyperPTH, Iatrogenic (thiazides),Mets, Paget’s, Addison’s, Neoplasm, ZE synd, Excess vitamin A/D, Sarcoidosis
Rx: NS or ½ NS – large volumes, bisphosphonates, steroids
HypoMg: HypoCa symptoms (low Mg causes low PTH = low Ca)
Causes: starvation (EtOH), malabsorption (Crohn’s)
Rx: 50-100mEq/day IV Mg
HyperMg: decreased DTRs (pregnant pts), decreased respirations
Causes: iatrogenic, rarely-renal failure
Rx: hyperK Rx (IV Ca)
HypoPhos: Dizziness, anorexia, weakness, respiratory failure (diaphragm)
Causes: malabsorption, EtOH, hyperPTH, shifts, diuretics, refeeding syndrome
Rx: replete Phos
HyperPhos: No symtpoms
Causes: renal failure, hypoPTH, cellular shifts, sarcoidosis
Rx: aluminum antacids, diuretics
Acid Base
Change in PaCO2 of 10mmHg = reciprocal change in pH of 0.08
Change in HCO3 of 10mEq = direct change in pH of 0.15
--Respiratory acidosis
Do not correct hypercapnia too quickly - this may cause arrhythmias or decrease cerebral perfusion
--Metabolic acidosis
1. Loss of HCO3: diarrhea, renal tubule disorders
2. Excess acid: hypoxic vs. non-hypoxic
If pH remains <7.25, may give HCO3 1mg/kg bolus + 0.5mg/kg Q10min (controversial)
--Respiratory alkalosis
Due to hyperventilation, often in intubated patients
Acute hypocapnia can cause cerebral vasoconstriction (up to 50%)
--Metabolic alkalosis
Often due to contraction alkalosis (hypovolemia, hypoK, hypoCl)
Contraction alkalosis: low vol= hi aldo= increased H+ secretion
Vomiting results in hypovolemia, metabolic alkalosis, hypoCl, hypoK (increased Aldo)
Isotonic volume contraction: diarrhea
Hypertonic volume contraction: perspiration, fever, DI
Hypernatremia: every 3 mEq rise in Na = 1 L of water deficit
SIADH Rx: H2O restriction, demeclocyline/lithium, lasix / K (dilutes urine)
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